Master the 9 lighting techniques that will unlock your ability to create ANY look with the FREE eBook edition.
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Step-by-step guide to create perfectly lit images!
Everyone claims they have cheat codes. But, having bought books and courses from many people (and learned nothing), I almost didn’t get this. I’m so happy I did. I learned more useable information in this one book that hours of training!!!!
Harry Oulton
I just assumed I would never get “better.” But this book has given me the most powerful artistic boost ever. I knew lighting was a weak spot I just didn’t have a way to improve. Until now!!! Thanks so much!
Sara Bruce
I’ve now ordered three copies of this book. I’ve been gifting it to my photographer friends. I just wanted to tell you that, as a keen amateur photographer, no course or youtube episode has helped me as much as this. Thanks so much!
Michael Tantot
You feel like you are missing some major techniques.
You’ve seen images you wish you could recreate but don’t know how.
You struggle to light your subjects in a professional-looking way.
If you’ve ever seen an image, and wondered, “how did they do that?” you are missing one of these lighting techniques.
Everything is covered, from picking the right light and setting up, through the final execution of the shot!
Download the eBook to your computer and phone, so you’ll always have a step-by-step workflow to follow that will help you create perfectly lit images!
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Master the nine fundamental lighting techniques that will unlock your ability to create ANY look! The best part? - They are all really easy to learn!