How to Retouch a Portrait


Follow along with my entire retouching workflow.

You don’t have to be a professional to achieve professional-quality retouching! This course will teach you the most important techniques you need to know to achieve gorgeous retouching. And, we will skip all the confusing and unnecessary tools you don’t need.

Using my three favorite retouching tools, you’ll be able to create a finished retouch. Take your techniques to a new level and learn how to retouch a portrait in Photoshop to make your subjects look amazing.


Imagine you couldā€¦

Get the results you want, in no time!
Add professional retouching to your toolbox!
Demystify retouching in Photoshop once and for all!

This is for you ifā€¦

You’ve tried retouching but you hate the results.

You’ve given up on retouching your images.

You’re confused by all the tools in Photoshop.

"Being able to take a photo you like and retouch it in a way your subject LOVES is the goal of this course. Even a complete novice Photoshop user can follow along and master these three powerful retouching techniques."

Joel Grimes

Hear what my students are saying...

“I never thought I would be able to retouch my own images. I’ve tried before and have given up many times. I’m completely reinvigorated now because I can actually get awesome results!”

“I’d never tried really retouching my photos before. But there was always such a big gap between my images and the ones that inspire me. What was missing? These techniques!!! Thank you, Joel!”

“I love Joel’s teaching style because he makes it simple. Not ‘how to learn three hundred ways to do X’ but ‘here’s something you can do if you just follow these steps to improve your photos’. Highly recommended!

How to Retouch a Portrait Photo


It is possible to get a result your subject loves and makes them look better.

No matter your skill level.